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IPJC at Work


I was recently bestowed the title and corresponding duty of “blog mistress” for the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center.  I feel blessed to be but a minuscule part of an extraordinary, talented and diverse group of people who make up the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center.  The IPJC is a non-partisan, non-profit group and we invite all to join us in our journey as we seek to achieve peace through non-violent action, community education, peaceful activism and through working for a just society.  This blog is yet another medium that provides additional access to the diverse and thought provoking ideas that ultimately improve our understanding of our world, our community and each other.  We hope that this blog will grow by welcoming the viewpoints of writers, artists, photographers and citizens concerned about peace and social justice issues. Together, we strive to offer constructive alternatives to the violence that touches all of our lives.  Join us!

If you have a piece that you would like considered for publication on this blog or in our printed monthly newspaper “IPJC Journal” – please feel free to send me a message at

May Blessings and Peace be with you all! – Kristy @KALAMMIity8

Peaceworks Restoration Project Resumed

In summer 2011, IPJC volunteers Jeb Barnes-McKivigan and Nick Hess resumed work on digitalizing the tapes of the “Peaceworks” television show, originally broadcast on the ICAN cable television channel from 1986 to 1996.  The show began as Plowshares and Pruning Hooks and took the name PeaceWorks in 1988. It ran regularly on Indianapolis’ American Cablevision network and was shown in Indianapolis and five other Indiana cities.  PeaceWorks was sponsored and produced by the IPJC.  The shows featured commentary and criticism of current events of both a local and national scope.  PeaceWorks ran until 1996 when the city permitted public access television to be dropped from its contract with cable companies.  To date more than forty shows have been reproduced on a digital format for their preservation. In future weeks, more shows will be digitalized, so that anyone can revisit these classic shows! Plans also are underway to revive “Peaceworks” as an online media for coverage of the Indianapolis peace and justice community.  Check out the PeaceWorks page on at the following link:

Every Friday – Weekly Vigil Protesting Warfare

The weekly vigil protesting warfare takes place every Friday from 4:30-5:30 pm, in front of the Federal Building, North and Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center.  Bring an appropriate sign or one can be provided to you.  For more info, phone Gilbert Kuhn at 926-3068 or email Ron Haldeman at Join Us!

One Comment leave one →
  1. October 31, 2011 5:13 pm

    I would like to see IPJC more involved with the Clergy Abuse scandal. Contact S.N.A.P., for more info……………”barb dorris-SNAP”

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